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Mickey Was Adopted!

Mickey (fka Elvis of the Sock Hop Puppies) has been adopted! Mickey's new dad adopted him via the friendship of his room mates. About six months ago, he said goodbye to his pit bull companion of 12 years, Kane. For his birthday, his room mates wanted to help him adopt a new dog, so one of his room mates contacted their friend, an ACPB volunteer. Mickey looked remarkably like Kane so it was perfect timing!  

Mickey now lives with his dad and 3 room mates who are all on board with having a new puppy in the house. They have a nice backyard for him and a big house to run around in. Mickey's dad is puppy savvy and he also had Kane from a young age so he knows about potty training, crate training and socialization. Mickey even has two rescue pit bull cousins, and everyone is excited to welcome him into the family. We think he will get a lot of love and attention. Congratulations to Mickey and his dad!