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Rehoming Your Dog

If you adopted your dog from Angel City Pit Bulls and are inquiring about rehoming, email for immediate assistance. 

We frequently hear from people asking to surrender their dog. Our program can only except dogs as direct transfers from LA Animal Services and we are unable to take owner relinquishments unless the dog was previously adopted from us. We would like to help you keep your dog and recognize that may not always be possible. 

If your desire to rehome your dog is because of behavioral or training issues, please contact a qualified professional. In the Los Angeles area, there are free training classes available through ACPB Academy and Paws For Life K9 Rescue. If your dog is having serious aggression issues, please consider contacting Brandon Fouche. 

If the issue is housing, sometimes obtaining an insurance policy can help alleviate a landlord's concerns. If your landlord has threatened eviction, try reaching out to HEART LA for resources and legal advice. You have more rights than you may realize. If you are looking for new housing, keep in mind that large property managment companies often have blanket policies that may be more difficult to alter. Contact landlords of smaller properties directly, and be sure to show off your well behaved dog. 

If you do need to rehome, you will want to make your dog as attractive as possible to potential adopters. Grab a camera and take the best photos you can outside in good lighting. Write a cute bio highlighting your dog's best qualities. Keep it positive and upbeat. Although the bio should be focused on the positives, be sure to disclose any behavior or medical concerns before rehoming. Posting on social networks like Facebook along with email blasts to friends and family help tremendously. Get a brightly colored “adopt me” bandana and hit the pavement in shopping areas, parks etc. 

We recommend that you list your dog with Rehome by Adopt-a-pet. This easy to use listing service will help you reach potential adopters. Be sure to use our special ACPB link to register:  REHOME.  You can read more about the service here: Learn about Rehome. There is a small listing fee to register. Please reach out to us at if you need a discount code. 

It can take a long time to find a pit bull type dog a good home so please do what is best for your dog and give yourself as much time as possible. You can help him by trying every possible way to keep him or by allowing yourself plenty of time to do the legwork necessary to find him a good home. Be sure to try other rescues, though most are also always full. If you must take him to the shelter, please understand that in the Los Angeles area, shelters are overcrowded and in some, dogs are killed for space. Your dog’s best chance is you, so do everything you can to help him.

Please visit Bad Rap for additional suggestions and recommendations.