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What Matters Most
My name is Captain. Now, I know what you are thinking … how does a handsome guy like me, find the time to write a blog? It’s true, I’ll admit … my life is certainly busy. Between chewing on all the many toys I have, taking time for my many admirers, updating my Facebook page, tending to my little sister, looking in the mirror, and of course my parents fawning over me, there is certainly a lot going on that keeps me busy. Being the debonair gentleman that I am, however, I must take the time to attend to my good manners and set an example for others. Part of that example is taking the time to express my gratitude – which is why I am writing today.
I am grateful for many things. Heck – just being able to drink clean water every day puts me ahead of most people in this world. My parents adopted me when I was a wee pup; what I’ve learned about adoption – what makes us adopted furkids extra-special – is that our families chose us. We weren’t part of an unplanned litter; in my wise old age, a guy like me can appreciate the importance of family planning, you know. After all, my parents have experienced so much joy as a result of adopting me, that they decided to adopt my little sister, Molly, too.
What else am I grateful for, you ask? I am grateful for my three legs. Three, you ask? Now, don’t start feeling sorry for me … remember, you humans are only given two legs, so as far as I am concerned, I’ve got a leg up on you all already – pun intended! Sure, I had four at one time, but … one of them came down with something called cancer. My parents were pretty scared at the idea of taking that leg away from me, but I assured them that it wouldn’t slow me down at all. If you’ve met me in person, you would see how right I am about that.
Other things I am also grateful for? I’m grateful for good doctors – I’ve got some of the best, you see. An oncologist, an ACL surgical specialist, and an amputation specialist ... a special guy like me deserves a lot of special doctors, right? I had to get this yucky stuff called chemotherapy for a while, but it wasn’t anything a few extra treats and toys wouldn’t cure. Cancer is a scary thing, sure – but, these good doctors do so many great things for dogs like me. Those doctors never gave up on me, and I am here today writing this blog in part because of them. They got rid of that cancer thing, and it hasn’t come back since.
There are so many things I’m grateful for … too many to list, really. So, let’s get to the good part. What matters the most to me? Having a family. That’s really the most important thing, you know. Sometimes when people come over to my house, and they see the countless pictures of me hanging from walls in every room, it can be a little embarrassing, sure. But, I don’t mind – and besides, who could blame them? I am so handsome, it really is totally understandable.
My family is so fantastic – they just threw a birthday party for me a few weeks ago, when I turned 12 years old. Lots of people came, brought me presents, and we even had a cake. I had such a good time!
Not all dogs out there have a family like I do, but … if you ask me, they should. Thanks to my amazing parents, and all they do helping orphaned dogs through Angel City Pit Bulls – including finding people like you who choose to adopt – I know that someday, all dogs will get to be as lucky as me. If you ask my family, they will tell you they are the lucky ones. Humble as I am – I have to admit, it’s true – they are lucky. When I made my wish before I dove into my birthday cake this year, that was my wish – that all dogs would get to be adopted, and go home with lucky families like mine.
One of my mommy’s favorite sayings goes like this – “those who think you cannot buy love, have never paid an adoption fee!” I don’t have to tell you why this is one of her favorite sayings, do I? I didn’t think so.
I’m really looking forward to my 13th birthday party – it’s going to be off the hook. If you want to meet me sooner though – I’ll be making a cameo appearance at Angel City Pit Bulls' Yard Sale, coming up in a few weeks. For a small donation, you can even get a picture taken with me!
My mommy says that the best way to show gratitude is to pay it forward, by helping others. I'm happy to donate my photogenic handsomeness to others for a good cause. I have to do what I can to help my doggie friends in need, ya know?
- The Captain Man