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February 2012

On Saturday, January 28th Angel City Pit Bulls gathered at the South Los Angeles Shelter to help with its very FIRST Vaccination Clinic! All dog owners in the 90018 were eligible for a FREE Spay/Neuter and Vaccines for their furry friends.
Feeding time tends to be a bit of chaos in many households, especially with bigger dogs who seem to swallow their entire bowl of food in one gulp. If you are a pit bull owner I'm guessing this is all too familiar territory.
Does your dog react to other dogs on leash? Does he pull on walks, no matter how many times you say "heel"? Does he just need some Sunday Funday morning exercise and mental stimulation? If this sounds like your dog, we suggest you bring him to Dog Man!
Brady vs. Manning. Pats vs. Giants. Are you seeking revenge or rooting for the underdog? Or are you rooting for a different dog entirely? We in the animal welfare and rescue community are very excited for one Bowl this Sunday, and if you are a dog geek like I am you know I am talking about the Puppy Bowl!
Today’s post is centered on Fostering, since here at ACPB we have a tradition known as Foster Friday in which we dedicate the day to spreading the word about fostering!


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