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Pitten Foster Program

What is a pitten? A "pitten" refers to the lucky kittens being fostered through Angel City Pit Bulls’ innovative kitten foster program. Kittens and ACPB are a perfect partnership since they are the two most at-risk groups in city shelters. Motherless kittens under 8 weeks old overwhelm city shelters by the thousands during Kitten Season (March-November), and need round the clock care that is impossible to provide in a shelter environment. The kitten crisis in Los Angeles has improved greatly in the past few years thanks to amazing work by many cat rescue organizations, but there are just too many kittens in need, and this is where the pitten program joins the fight.
Fosters are vital in determining how many kittens we can save from city shelters this Kitten Season. Fosters provide temporary homes until kittens are old enough to be spayed/neutered and adopted through our partner, Best Friends Animal Society, into loving forever homes. Kittens we pull from the shelters are between 4-6 weeks old and will be eating on their own (although some might need help at the beginning). The typical foster stay is between 3-6 weeks.
Litter size can range from a single kitten to a litter of five or more, but we do make sure to match you with a litter size you request. Kittens 4-6 weeks old need to be fed 4-6 times per day depending on age. We will provide you with all the supplies, instruction, scheduled wellness, medical care and support you through the entire foster process. You will be responsible to feed, track weight and general health, socialize and prepare your kittens for forever homes. Fostering kittens can be fun, adorable, frustrating, easy, hard, messy and sometimes heart-breaking, but always rewarding.
We can’t do this without fosters! Please consider fostering pittens through Angel City Pit Bulls this Kitten Season.
To get started, please complete the kitten foster questionnaire and email it back to us.
For more information, email us at